
I'm Candy Cabrera and this is my personal style blog.

I'm from the Dominican Republic and I currently live In Miami. I work in the advertising industry but I have always been passionate abut fashion and the way I can express myself through my personal style.

Besides the fact that I LOVE to dress up, I started this blog after a conversation that I had a while ago:

Girl: you really like stripes
Me: what do you mean?
Girl: well, for the last two weeks I've seen you wearing stripes almost everyday
Me: what? that's not true... really?

I got home that night and walked directly to my closet when... SURPRISE! Almost all the pieces in my closet are in fact STRIPES! But, how didn't I realize this before?... I didn't want to waste to much time around this question, so I just smiled and loved the fact that I have a thing for stripes and just started having fun with it.

So thanks for stopping by and for share the fun with me.

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