
Closet Cleaning


It’s springtime! In case you didn’t know, because you don’t have one of those awesome calendars that tells you when each season starts. Well, spring starts tomorrow.

There’s something about spring that makes people think of a fresh start, to change their style and begin new projects. One of those projects is spring cleaning, and I have just found myself doing it last weekend (mainly because I’m moving in with my BF). I have to admit that I started very enthusiastic, but after a while I just got tired. So, thinking back to that moment, I decided to put together a short list of how to Spring clean your closet in a fast, easy and effective way.

 Illustration: Pinterest

Before anything... put on some music.

1. Start with a clean slate! Remove clothes, shoes and other items. Dust all shelves and bars then vacuum or mop the floor.

2. While your closet is empty, visualize how you’d like the space to look and function. Invest in supplies: Woven baskets, shoe racks, hocks, and wood hangers! (Please, no more wire hangers, they ruin clothes).

3. Before you get started on a wardrobe overhaul, take some time to really think about how you define your personal style. Getting a better sense of what your look is can help you figure out which pieces to get rid of and how you can build a wardrobe you'll love. If you're not sure what your style is, just select the 10 pieces you wear the most and analyze what they say about how you like to look.

4. Be honest, unless a piece has sentimental value, always follow the two-year rule: If you haven't worn it in two years, get rid of it. Put aside your clothes and shoes that will go back in your closet, storage any out-of-season wear that you still want to keep and donate the rest to a second-hand shop or charity.

5. As you get your clothes back in the closet, try to put new outfits together and make a shopping list of any item that you’ll need to buy to complete the look your are going for: a new pair of jeans? Bright color sandals? A new tote bag?  This way you’ll buy exactly what you need and will have a closet full of new outfits for the season.

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